Soap - Promo Shot

Friday 12 August 2011

Things I have seen in Edinburgh

Date: Author: Matt

Things I have seen in Edinburgh thus far ranked from the funniest/best to the not as funny/not as good

A seagull flying into a window
Killing Bill Gates many times. Still good.
Bane. That man deserves glory.
Richard Herring
The Gentlemen of Leisure
Brain Surgery Live (a pretty sweet magic show linked with neuroscience which I nearly managed to fuck up by losing an important card)
Ryan Withers and the Cloud Girls
Splendid Isolation
The most laid back yet tweaky (comic book) shop owners ever
A man yelling "Khaaaaaaaannnn" at a bridge
The happiest van driver ever
A trailer for Dwarf Big Brother on Channel 4
A penis sticker on Russell Kane's face (on a poster for Russell Kane)
Captain America
The squeakiest cat in the world
Many, many clones of Ed Byrne
A man head butting a car
The lamest car crash ever (not connected to above)
Super 8
Street Promoters singing right in my stupid fucking face
Overhearing, just now, a mind reader revealing secrets. Hope the Magic Circle are closing in on him now. 
A snail crawling across a straight razor*
A scary ghost**

Halfway point nearly reached, going well.


*lie/film quote
**straight up lie
Oh yeah and a massive turd in that back passage Peter found. This thing was huge.

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