Soap - Promo Shot

Monday 1 August 2011


2nd September, 1891:

Author: Sam.

Hi, I'm Sam.

I am one of Mechanical Tigers' co-founders and this is some stuff about me.

I'm a writer, a producer, an actor and a lion tamer. Just kidding, I'm not really an actor. Though I do act...

I'm a writer mostly, in that it's what I do most. I co-wrote Killing Bill Gates with Peter and Tom of MT (both topping chaps!). I'm pleased and proud that it's made it to a full run on the Edinburgh Fringe. I've also done some script editing for Orpheos Productions and am Script Reading for the Greenlight Award at London Screenwriters' Festival this year. When I get back from the fringe, I will start writing for the Phantom Zone, the website of children's author, Barry Hutchison.

*Generic self-depricating remark to counter-balance indulgence*

I became fascinated with writing from a young age, always an advocate of fantasy/sci-fi books and films. Geek writer, you see, though I'm pleased to broaden my horizons, with something such as Killing Bill Gates, for instance. It's still very dark, with plenty of fantasy and whimsy, but at the same time it's grounded in reality. The characters are trapped, both in their lives and in the setting. That's something I love about it. And yet one of the reasons it came about was our restricted budget.

I wrote a lot in school but it was shit. I was a lot better in college, and it was at Havant College that I really got into theatre, and co-wrote my first play, which was staged as one of the assignments. It was alright, all things considered, and it was also here that I first started acting. My first role was The Player/Robin of Bagshot in the musical, The Beggars Opera. I don't like it very much, but now I guess I will always remember it.

I'm not actually as old as the date above would suggest. In fact, I will be 21 at the end of our run in Edinburgh. So, I'm steadily getting older.

Always enjoy life to the full. It's later than you think.


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