Soap - Promo Shot

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Hopefully not like that Wombats song about killing a director.

Date: 26/07/2011
Author: Josh

Hello, I'm Josh. I'm the dictator director of the play.
I don't particularly enjoy talking about myself at length, so I'll stick to the whole Brevity-thing. I'm passionate about films and plays and the way they can really hit you in the gut, knock you for six, score a home run, and many other lazy sporting metaphors I know very little about. This is my first year doing anything theatre related, and I'm finding it fascinating. During Edinburgh I will have the least to do, as technically all my work finishes as soon as we open, so I'll keep this blog updated with thoughts on the festival and our progress as we hopefully learn loads from our run and -

There I go, rambling on again. Check back every day from now on for preview pictures and quotes from the play. And please come and see the show. Especially on Friday at The Bedford in Balham. It's free! 
See you soon

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