Soap - Promo Shot

Sunday 7 August 2011

A quick note

Date: 07/08/2011
Author: Sophie

Well howdy do.

Been a while hasn't it! Unfortunately, due to archaic non-internet housing and death-defying illness (I have a bad cold...) I have been a little silent on the bloggy front.

Don't feel too neglected though, I haven't actually contributed to much paid/commissioned work either. So join the line of frustration :)

Nice to see that Peter has been manning the blog front though, he being the only one of the MT crowd with continued access to the internet.

Edinburgh has been great thus far! As usual, days tend to quickly blur into mere passages of light and darkness. You wake up, anticipate the show, perform the show, collapse, sleep, and the cycle continues. Before I became stricken with a work/rain/feeble-woman-induced lurgey, I caught a real dose of the show-bug and couldn't wait to see as much as possible! This was a nice refreshing change, as for some reason last year the action desire to 'see things' was in short coming for me. Which was strange, given it's the bloody EDINBURGH FRINGE!

This year however, now no longer a newbie, I knew exactly who I wanted to go and see and when! Trouble is pacing! You forget you're here for the whole month and it's very easy to blow all your money on the many fantastic acts here on show in the first couple of days! Thankfully (to a point) an icky cold has kept me house-bound and I've been forcibly relieved of my financially promiscuous ways for the time being!

But yeah...rambling now, but Bane (saw it last year, still mind-blowingly awesome) and Richard Herring opened my stint strongly, and Humphrey Kerr t'other night proving yet again that bumbly parody-esque comedy can still be edgy, different and stupidly funny!

KILLING BILL GATES has been on an upward trajectory despite being baptised in a storm of fire and brimstone! An unyieldy though spacious and atmospheric venue doesn't half allow for noise-bleeding and it is often incredibly difficult to be heard over the show next door. But we are getting more and more accustomed to our surroundings, and drawing in some larger and entertaining crowds! Looking forward to what future performances bring!

Over and out folks!


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