Soap - Promo Shot

Monday 25 July 2011

Here's Sophie!

Date: 25/07/2011

Author: Sophie Petzal

Hometown: Bexhill, East Sussex (home town to Eddie Izzard and a lot of IV drips)
Favourite play/show: Enron & War Horse
Favourite Comedian: Ed Byrne

Oh hi cyberspace!

Seeing as it is the run-up to what will be one of the most intense, exciting and potentially arduous months of our lives, it feels only prudent that we ceremoniously open our blog with a series of the tried-and-tested 'about me's'. So who wants to go first...?...?...?....?


Oh, ok go on then I'll do it!

Yearp, so I'm Sophie, I'm co-producing Killing Bill Gates alongside Matt Lavender (you won't meet him because he's actually a figment of our imaginations). This isn't my first Edinburgh venture! I think I'm alone in the company when I say that? I think? If any of my cohorts have in fact performed there and I am actually ignorant enough not to have realised, then a thousand apologies, and I'm sure they will correct me in later posts! 

But anyway, last year I was involved in a double-act sketch show which went pretty well. In terms of scale it is nothing like KBG. Taking two mates up to Edinburgh with sketches and boiler suits is one thing. Taking a company of eight with props, set-pieces, lighting and sound designs is a whole other beast entirely! But it's an amazing beast. One with pink fur. Or something...

I have a background in 'needs-must' producing (my way of saying, I do it because I am a control freak) mainly in theatrical productions from original plays at the Poole Lighthouse and Winchester Arts Pub to short films with the merry band of Mechanical Tiger.  More recently, kind old Auntie BBC has offered me the opportunity to train to become an actual producer-type-thing for 18 months. So the two days off I have after Edinburgh will be spent upping all sticks and relocating to London! Exciting/terrifying! 

Like the rest of the otriad, I'm a scriptwriter! Have a couple of credits on Cbeebies and had some success with BBC Writersroom. 

I'm actually IN this show too...which is special! I've only really rediscovered the...'thespo thrill' if you like since being back at University. It's been such brilliant fun to flex those muscles again. Here's hoping all the work pays off!

Myself and the fellas will be keeping you all updated as the month dribbles by! Hopefully, to spew a much over-used phrase, entries will become a little more 'event-led' once the Edinburgh ball gets rolling! But for now do enjoy our naval-gazing and introductions!

Wish us luck!

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